Sunday, March 17, 2013

Task_3-1 Reflection

Task_3-1 Reflection

1.    What roles did the members of your team have this week?

Michelle-???   =( did not respond to email or link to google doc posted to forum.

Nathan-???     =( had a lot going on at the school he teaches at and informed us.  Same as above, but I found his alternate email address, which he responded, but by then we were finished.
Johanna *Visual Image Master found images for us to use (what to keep or delete/arrange placement)

Kaye-lani *PBL Scenario Idea & Benefits of  PBL,and her experience with  Kapolei’s Project Based Learning curriculum:

Melanie Mamhot- *Editor-in-chief & Proof reader

Jason Nagata- Set up google docs, Outline template, body of letter, conclusion/closing info, update notice, monitor & document people’s contributions, email group UH email, posted document link in forum, and later tried to find the other peoples alternate email address.

2.    Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?

As Project Manager, I set up the Google document and shared it with the group and the Teacher. In addition, I created a draft outline template and contributed with the body of the letter. Kept the group updated with progress and agendas within the Google docs. Additional contribution was listed above under the contribution heading.

3.    What worked well this week?

Great ideas from Kaye-lani, Johanna found some great images to use, and Melanie helped to look over the letter and try to find typos etc... With the help of my teammate it made my job a  little easier, and saved me some time, such as searching for images and double checking my work.

4.    What will you do differently next time?

It was a rough start, I did set up early and emailed the group , but only two people responded right away. I should have used some of my group members alternate emails, because it was mentioned that my email might have been lost in the multitude of junk mail or laulima post email updates. I think I should have posted the link in the forums earlier, because the group members check the forums more often then email maybe.

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